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Showing posts from April, 2019

Top Web Site Which Provide Free Courses With II Certification

Top Web Site Which Provide Free Courses With Certification  In this I'm going to write about the web sites which provides free course with certification with their links. Solo Learn : Learn to code for FREE! Anytime and Anywhere, on Any Device. Solo Learn provides many IT field courses which is written as below : C++ C# JAVA jQUERY JAVA SCRIPT HTML PHP SWIFT RUBY SQL PYTHON         Web site link is    Coursera : is a website that partners with universities and organizations around the world. This brings a wide variety of topics and perspectives to one searchable database. Coursera is a powerful tool for free online education, and includes courses from many top universities, museums and trusts. This gives the site an extremely wide range of in-depth courses. Coursera is extremely useful if you’re looking to study many different topics, or want courses ...

6 Most Demanded Programming Languages of 2019

6 Most Demanded Programming Languages of 2019 Learning the right programming language at the right time is very important. If  you are a student or an aspiring software developer who is planning to learn a new programming language, you should check the trend once. There are many job portals and trend analysis websites who releases the list of  popular languages at a regular interval of time. These lists not only help students and professional to get an idea about the most in-demand languages out there but  also shed some light on jobs availability. Today, I will share seven most demanding programming languages based on the number of jobs available on  Indeed  in January 2019. Most In-Demand Programming Languages of 2019 1.  Java  – 65,986 jobs Java was developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems and later acquired by the Oracle Corporation. This is one of the most used languages in the world. Consid...