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Do you have an Idea ? How to start career as a data Scientist,skills,resources.

Do you have an Idea ? How to start career as a data Scientist,skills,resources. 1. 5 Key Skills you need to become a great Data Scientist: 1. Mathematics & Statistics 2. Computer Programming 3. Domain Knowledge 4. Problem Solving 5. Communication 2. 50 Years of Data Science: Data Science is becoming very popular recently. But, many foundational work of Data Science has been done decades back. This excellent document discusses 50 years history of Data Science and what you can learn from it. It’s a must have and must read document for all Data Science practitioners and enthusiasts. Please go ahead and download now from LinkedIn directly or Google Drive link shared in the comment. And, please like and share so that others can benefit from this. Don’t forget to Follow me for more such useful materials, career tips etc. 3. Mathematics for Machine Learning: 4. Why...

Top 10 Sites for your Job Search,Sites to Build your Resume,Top Sites to Learn Tech Skills,Sites for Free Online Education,Sites to get an Internship

🚀 Top 10 Sites for your Job Search🚀 1. LinkedIn 2. Glassdoor 3. Naukri . com 4. Indeed 5. Monster 6. Career Builder 7. LinkUp 8. Google for Jobs 9. Idealist 10. US Jobs 👉🏻 For more, Follow now: 👔Sites to Build your Resume👔 1. Canva 2. KickResume 3. Visual CV 4. Zety 5. Free Resume Templates 6. NovoResume 7. MyPerfectResume 8. Resume Genius 9. Pongo 10. Creddle 💼Top Sites to Learn Tech Skills💼 1. Treehouse 2. Khan Academy 3. Code School 4. EDX 5. CourseEra 6. CodeWars 7. FreeCodeCamp 8. GitHub 9. The Odin Project 10. MIT OpenCourseWare 👉🏻 For more, Follow now: 📖Sites for Free Online Education📖 1. Udacity 2. Code Avengers 3. David Walsh Blog 4. Tuts+ 5. SitePoint 6. HTML5 Rocks 7. Hack.Pledge() 8. Agupieware 9. Crunchzilla 10. Dash General Assembly 11. CodeAcademy 12. Infinite Skills 13. Lynda 14. CodeHS 15. Udemy 📚Sites to get an Internship📚 1. LinkedIn 2. Indeed 3. Internships 4. Glassdoor 5. Idealist 6. Absol...

How can set and achieve our career goal ?

Making a career goal is about deciding where you want to go in your career. First, figure out the smaller steps needed to reach that goal. Think about where you would like to be in one year. Then, think about where you would like to be in five years. What experiences will help you get there? What interests and skills would you like to use? Here are some examples of common career goals: 1. Increase Professional Knowledge And Training Learning new things is a common goal for many people. Those who are looking for work want to make sure they have the right skills. People who have a job can use new skills to grow in their roles. One way to increase your knowledge is to take a college class. You can also think about attending workshops offered on the job. Earning a new certification is another idea. 2. Increase Salary Being underpaid can make people less interested in their work. Taking steps to earn more money can make you more excited about your job. Wanting to earn more ca...

#4 best YouTube Channels to follow for GATE preparation

4 best YouTube Channels to follow for GATE preparation  The  Graduate Aptitude Test  in Engineering ( GATE ) is one of the most competitive exams for engineering graduates. GATE is conducted for admission to postgraduate courses, including at premier institutes like IITs and NITs. GATE scores are also used for recruiting candidates for PSU jobs. Cracking GATE is not easy without the right preparation. So, here are 7 good  YouTube  Channels for GATE aspirants. #1 Unacademy and NPTEL YouTube Channels Unacademy  is one of the most popular online platforms to prepare for competitive exams, including GATE. Apart from  Unacademy YouTube Channel , it offers a separate channel - Unacademy - GATE Preparation - for aspirants. The  YouTube Channel  run by National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) is another good one GATE aspirants can follow. NPTEL is offered by premier IITs and IISc-Bangalor...

Top 52 GRE Words Definitions and Examples The Top 52 Most Common GRE Words

Top 52 GRE Words Definitions and Examples The Top 52 Most Common GRE Words anomaly  –  noun  – something that is unusual or unexpected  The student’s poor performance on the latest test was an  anomaly  since she had previously earned excellent grades. equivocal  –  adj.  – not easily understood or explained Politicians have been known to provide  equivocal  answers to reporters’ questions. lucid  – adj. – very clear and easy to understand The lecture was  lucid  and straightforward, allowing the students to fully grasp the concepts presented. precipitate  –  verb  – to cause (something) to happen quickly or suddenly Unforeseen costs can  precipitate  a budget crisis. assuage  –  verb  – to make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense A massage can  assuage  the soreness in your muscles. erudite  –  adj.  – having or showi...