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The most advanced,Hindu newspaper editorial vocabs

 1.Abuts (V)-lie adjacent to another or share a boundary. सटा होना, सीमा-स्पर्शन

 2.Démarche (N)-a political step or initiative.

 3.Sober (Adj)-serious and thoughtful. गंभीर

 4.Taken Up (Phrasal Verb)-having or showing excessive or compulsive concern with something.

 5.Put Off (Phrasal Verb)-delay doing something or make something happen later. टालना

 6.Stand-Off (N)-a situation in which agreement in an argument does not seem possible. गतिरोध

 7.Rash (Adj)-acting or done without proper thought or consideration. जल्दबाज, अविवेकपूर्ण

 8.Leverage (N)-the power to influence results. अपनी परिस्थिति का फायदा उठाना, प्रभावन क्षमता

 9.Diversionary (Adj)-intended to distract attention from something more important. पथांतरित

 10.Double Down (Phrasal Verb)-increase one’s efforts or focus. 

 1.Inevitable (N)-a situation that is unavoidable.अनिवार्य, जरूरी

 2.Lament (V)-to express sadness and regret about something.

 3.Tardiness (N)-delay, slowness, slackness, dilatoriness, lateness, unpunctuality. विलंबन

 4.Assassinated (V)-murder (an important person) for political or religious reasons. हत्या करना

 5.Massacred (V)-kill a large number of people indiscriminately. नरसंहार

 6.Impunity (N)-exemption from punishment. दण्ड से मुक्ति

 7.Axiom (N)-a statement that is generally believed to be obvious or true. सिद्ध प्रमाण

 8.Passed Off (Phrasal Verb)-to give a false identity or character to.

 9.Titular (Adj)-holding or constituting a purely formal position or title without any real authority.

 10.Step Down (Phrasal Verb)-withdraw or resign from an important position or office. पदत्याग करना 


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