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How can set and achieve our career goal ?

Making a career goal is about deciding where you want to go in your career. First, figure out the smaller steps needed to reach that goal. Think about where you would like to be in one year. Then, think about where you would like to be in five years. What experiences will help you get there? What interests and skills would you like to use?

Here are some examples of common career goals:

1. Increase Professional Knowledge And Training

Learning new things is a common goal for many people. Those who are looking for work want to make sure they have the right skills. People who have a job can use new skills to grow in their roles. One way to increase your knowledge is to take a college class. You can also think about attending workshops offered on the job. Earning a new certification is another idea.

2. Increase Salary

Being underpaid can make people less interested in their work. Taking steps to earn more money can make you more excited about your job. Wanting to earn more can also motivate you to find a new job. With this goal in mind, you might feel more excited about the job search.

3. Improve A Difficult Process Or Relationship

Are you dealing with a difficult situation at work? Make changes to improve it. Improving a process or relationship that is frustrating you will make your work experience happier. This goal can lead to more rewarding work life.

4. Have New Experiences

Trying something new can mean volunteering in your town or at work. It can also mean joining a professional group to meet people in your field. Another idea is to introduce yourself to people you see often, but have never met. A new experience can help spark your interest in your job. It can also lead to new opportunities.

5. Be A Leader

Many people want to be a leader in their career. Figure out the steps you need to take to qualify for a leadership position. Determining these steps will help make it possible.

How To Set Goals:

To help you write goals that will work, try the SMART system. Each letter in the word "smart" represents an important part of your goal.

Specific — Have a specific, clear focus. For example, “make 10 job search calls” is very specific. “Make some networking connections” is not specific.

Measurable — Make sure you have a way to measure your progress. Ask yourself the following questions about your goal: How much? How many? How will I know when it is accomplished? Try questions that focus on something that can be counted. For example, your goal might include how much time you want to spend on a project, how much money you want to make, or how many people you want to connect with.

Attainable — Goals should be attainable, or possible to reach. A goal is attainable when the steps are planned clearly and you have enough time to complete them. How do you plan to reach your goal? What steps should you take? Is the goal realistic based on where you are now? You should set a goal that is a challenge. However, your goal should not be impossible.

Relevant — A relevant goal is one that really matters to you and is important. Is it worth the energy? Is this the right time? Does your career goal fit into your life goals and future plans? Is there anything you will need to reach the goal that you don't currently have?

Timely — A goal should have a clear timeline. This will help keep you focused. Decide when do you want to start working on your goal. Then ask yourself: When should I complete each step?

Here are a few tips for reaching your SMART goal:

Make A-List

Write down your goal. Then write down the steps you will take to get there. This will help you to remember and accomplish each step. Put your list where you will see it.

Set Deadlines

Give yourself a date to complete your goals. Set a deadline for each step. Write down the date when you finish each step.

Reward Yourself

Working toward goals is hard. Think of small rewards to give yourself when you complete each step.
The rewards will help you stay motivated.

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Have A Goal Partner

Find someone to help you. The person can be a friend, co-worker, job coach or anyone else. Discuss your goals together, and meet up when you complete each step. If possible, do the same for your partner.

Thanks for reading :) 
And don't forget to share because Caring is Sharing :)

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